
"I'm so nervous about my report on the sit in today ma."I announced. Ma just nodded her head I knew she was busy with something, probably work I guessed, now that my brother was in college, money wise we were just making it by. I know ma says I should be thankful for what I have but how can I??Everyone always comes to school nicely dressed and with clean faces and I come to school with dirty..well everything and I mean everything.Oh I can't belive I forgot to tell you my name it's Henry McNeill!

As I was leaving for school I tried to remember about my speech today during History.We were supposed to write about somebody with thought was a hero.I was writting my brother who you'll learn about later.Getting back to my speech I think Im going to do really good but we only get 5 minutes to talk and there is so much more I want to say.

You probably already know that I go to an all black school because of segregation.As I walked into school I saw alot of students doing their homework in the halls..typical.I also saw Mrs.Wass she gave me a friendly nod that said I would like to say hi but Im really I gave her a nod back that said the same thing. I went to go see what she was doing and what do you know?She was scolding the meanest boys in the 6th grade Mark and Carl Rusty. They were probably fighting or vandilizing school property they were known for pulling pranks on teachers especially Mrs.Wass. I heard Mrs.Wass yelling but I was scared I was going to get caught snooping so I walked into history class and read until Mrs.Wass walked in.

"Let's see who's going first,"said Mrs.Wass with a voice filled with sunshine"Henry McNeill your first so stand up and show the class what you got."

I sweating I was sweating real bad but I thought about my speech and how much it meant to me and some of the black comunity.Even if I did get in trouble for speaking my mind I would atleast feel proud of myself and my brother and his fellow
